What is VoWiFi? What is WiFi Calling?How to use it?

First we start talking about what is VoWiFi?We should know that what VoLTE is?
Suppose we consider the feature phone which has only 2G connection and we have tower of different companies.So, from tower signal is coming to the phone and when the phone is used for calling the your voice go through that signal and the person whom you are talking voice come through that signal only.

But nowadays smartphones have come in the market and towers has also become smart and it obvious that we need  a internet connection too in the smartphone.
We get a internet connection from that signal and we can also do phone calls and now comes the concept of VoLTE which means Voice Over LTE, here LTE is your internet which means send voice to the operator server through internet.
From the same signal now you are getting internet and voice.So,here your voice is encrypted and send to your operator through internet.But,now there is a problem if there are network issues obviously internet will also work slow and we cannot talk to a person properly, your voice will not reach to the person crystal clear.

But now new concept has come in the market  that is VoWiFi where you do not use your operator's internet, you use your own WiFi network to send your voice to your operator server but there is a problem in this concept that if we use WiFi it can be a insecure network because you can found WiFi anywhere,which can be third-party WiFi, so it is very possible your voice can be hear by anyone in the middle.But,they have founded to tackle it, they made encryption and made a VPN tunnel from your phone or WiFi which you are connected to the operator's server now you voice is encrypted and no one can hear it,when this connection establish on your phone it shows a sign VoWiFi. 
But, if a phone comes it is coming to that tower but when you receive a call your voice will be uploaded to the operator's server through your WiFi at the speed which it works.Don't think that you don't need a sim.Plans that you buy from your operator will apply in this,WiFi calling doesn't mean that you can call free.If your plan have IUC charges that will apply definitely. Users who do not get proper network in their home,offices can use this service so that they can get clear voice. 

How To Use It?

There are some requirements for this -
1.The sim you are using that operator should have this facility available.
2.Your phone should support WiFi calling.

If your phone supports WiFi Calling ,you can open it by going in sim settings.
If your phone supports it but it is not showing option of VoWiFi, wait for sometime hopefully your phone company  will roll out update for this feature.

In India in present Airtel and Jio Provides this Service.You can check compatibility of your handset by visiting their websites.Link Given Below 

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