What is Bar Codes?What are QR Codes?How they work?

In your daily life you have seen every product has a Barcode?Have you ever think that How Barcode work?How a scanner can  scan a barcode?What is the need of barcode?You have also seen QR codes.So,in this blog we will know the working of Barcode and QR code and who owns the Barcode?
So,hello friends lets get started.

What are Barcodes?
barcode essentially is a way to encode information in a visual pattern that a machine can read.The normal barcodes have total 95 lines which are divided in black and white colors.As you can see in Photo given below.

How Barcode Works?
In this first three lines, middle three lines, last three lines and they have a pattern followed.By this the barcode is divided into different lines.From the middle lines if you see its left side you will get 42 lines of black and white color except first three lines and it is same applicable as right side also
and these remaining 84 lines makes different types of numbers.If we take the one side part of 42 lines and if we divide them into 7 lines,we will get 6 blocks.
Here all the 7 lines can give different numbers and both left and right have same number but have different line pattern.Like in this picture given below.


Like this all the number from 0 to 9 have different pattern in left side and right side and if we observe it, you will come to know that the space coming in left side for white block is even number and in right side the white space is coming of odd number.

It is for the scanner so that it can identify from which direction it would scan and can know that if the number in starting are coming even so that it wills scan from left to right and if they are coming odd then it will scan from right to left.

Who made Barcode?
The whole system of barcode is made by the company Global Standard One(GS1).It is a type of Non-profit Organization who makes different types of Barcode and allot different series number to different countries.You can see different country codes here from given link 
In India its country code is 890.
If you see the below photo this the price of per barcode it is almost to thousand to lakhs.

How Can you search any Barcode?
By going to given link you can search a barcode https://gepir.gs1.org/index.php/search-by-gtin 
and you can get the whole information about that particular barcode.

Why we Need Barcode?
In the old times there are many products and there inventory management become very difficult.By the barcode it become very easy because we only have to scan the barcode and all the information comes to the computer screen.But in this you can only store numbers. 

As I tell you that In barcode you can only store numbers but there is another technology in which you can store text,passwords etc. that is called QR code.So,lets go ahead know about it.

What is QR Code? 
It is a type of 2-Dimensional encoding in which you can store your data.You can access it by scanning it by scanner even now you can also scan it by your mobile by downloading app available in play store or apple store etc.

Format of QR Code

In this format you will find three different types of boxes and from each box a different type of line has passed.You will find dots,lines in QR code in which your data is stored and you can store any data in it and can use when you want,
If you scan it by any scanner,that scanner will recognize itself that it is a QR code by its formatting.

 Why need QR code?
As I tell you that we can use QR code for store our data or any information.But you don't think so that if we want to give information to others we can also give it them in a simple way.Why we should make QR code?Yes,this can be the way of it.But,QR code saves your time.
Suppose,there is website and you want to open it.What will you do?
You will write it in a browser and open it.But if there is a QR code of that site,your work will become more easy.But How?
You only have to scan that QR code and you website will open automatically.
You have seen in many shops there are stickers of different payment gateways in which QR code are printed and when you scan that your payment goes automatically.  
QR code is a type of encrypt form which is only decrypted when someone scan that QR code by scanner.

Full Form of QR Code- Quick response Code

How can you generate QR code at home?
There are many websites from which you can make QR code and many QR code scanners from which you can scan that code.So,there is one website https://www.qrcode-monkey.com/
From this website you can make any QR code by putting any information in it.You can set colors,set logo and can do many customization in it.After doing all this you can click on create and your QR code is ready.

So,you can now use QR code for your use.It is free to use and time saving technology.

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