What is Server? How Internet work using server?

In my previous blog I have posted that How internet works via cables? In this Blog I have tell you that the in the whole world Tier-1 companies has laid out there fiber optic cables(submarine cables) in the oceans.But now the question arises that where these all wires get connected?
So,the answer is SERVER .But have you ever think what actually the server is?
So,Hello Friends in this blog I will tell you that What the SERVER is? and How you are able to make phones and computer your Server
Lets Get started....

Here, SERVER basically means the computer device that provides you service is a SERVER.The cables that are laid down, all the people are connected to each other through the Internet. All the people can communicate with each other.This is called the Internet.But What happen if I tell you that you have a Internet and your friend have a internet and you to communicate to each other without any application or without visiting any website.
Is it possible to communicate with each other without any application ?
No,You need a application or Server to communicate with each other.Server is very important to use the Internet.
Let us take a example of Whatsapp, If you send a message to your friend who is near to you, the message first travels through wire to the Whatsapp server and then it comes back to your friends phone.So,the server is that which provides you service.
Suppose If you done some settings in your phone or in your computer and it started providing some types of services to the people in the same network, so you can consider it as a SERVER.
Server has also hardware and software, In the software some settings were done so that it can provide services and Server-Client communication can be established.
Through this photo you can understand it in a better way.

If you open a website ex-facebook.com on your computer.So the connection establishes from your computer to that website server, here facebook.com computer act as a server because it helps you to communicate or providing you services.We can consider us a client.
In this world all computers are computers only but some computer which provides service called server and which takes service called client.

What Means Server Down?

When one server provides service to the many people out of its capability it is called a Server Down.
But there can be some hardware problems like Shortage of Ram, Processor doesn't work properly.Its internet connection can be slow.So how will that server will provide service to you.At that time you say that server is down.

Is it possible to make server at home?

Although its possible to make server at home but there are certain complications and conditions to make server at home.You will need 24x7 electricity at your home, if your electricity connections will be gone then your website will be down.
You will also need a High speed internet connection to upload the files.That's why we buy web hosting services from different companies which have already had made their big data centers.

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